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Symbol image V2X in road traffic

V2X RF-Conformance Test Systems

Powerful V2X Test System for fully featured
V2X RF-Conformance Tests

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Certified Conformance Test Platform

The very dynamic communication technologies require deep technology competence and a flexible system concept. We have selected the NI modular hardware platform and its SDR-based radio technology together with our modular test software and S.E.A. V2X software modules, which enables us to provide high-quality, efficient V2X test solutions for V2X test and measurement applications. We are honored that the value of our approach is confirmed by the successful OmniAir certification. The great work of OmniAir to ensure interoperability is key to the successful implementation of V2X technology.

OmniAir certified V2X conformance test system

V2X Conformance Test Systems

V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communications will transform the mobility industry to improve the safety and efficiency of vehicles and autonomous systems.

For this, V2X interfaces must conform to communication standards and RF-regulations. These standards include Wi-Fi and 4G/5G cellular connectivity based on the 3GPP physical standard.
Automotive suppliers, device manufacturers, test labs, and others involved in the V2X technology require a test system capable of measuring Rx and Tx RF-quality to ensure the conformance with the regulations.

First OmniAir OQTE Certified C-V2X Modular Bench Tester, enabling comprehensive C-V2X conformance testing.

Easy to use graphical user interface for interactive and automated testing.

Fully configurable and extendable by the user based on the S.E.A. software and NI hardware platform

Ready to run 3GPP and ETSI standard test catalogs are available for C-V2X and Wi-Fi standards

Complete software toolchain for creation of customized and extended tests.

Extendable to be used for V2X functional testing by modular architecture.

Maximum Performance and Flexibility

As the preferred NI Solution Partner for V2X S.E.A. relies on the NI hardware platform for radio and test system hardware. NI Software Defined Radio Technology (SDR) and the NI PXI modular hardware provide the required flexibility and performance for the challenges of V2X test systems.

The application of NI SDR of opens maximum flexibility for future V2X standards and implementation of customized RF-communication protocols and their measurements. The low-level communication stacks for 802.11p, LTE-V and 5G-NR are implemented in the FPGA of the SDR and can be modified by S.E.A. if required.

The test systems are equipped with state-of-the art GNSS simulation from our partner M3 System.

The S.E.A. RF-test systems can be migrated to functional test systems with limited effort and cost, making the investment future safe.

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Typical Customers

The measurement and test of RF-quality and conformance of V2X devices to standards is required by different stakeholders throughout the product life cycle. The modular architecture of the S.E.A. V2X test systems ensures turn-key operation as well as flexibility to adapt the functions to specific needs of each customer.
Typical customer groups are:

Chipset & module vendors

Flexible RF-measurements and automated RF-simulations are required during the development, as well as conformance measurements with high quality.

ECU/RSU suppliers

Precise measurement and conformance testing is an important part of the optimization and validation of V2X ECUs or RSUs. This can be combined with other hardware tests adding additional instruments for automated measurements.

Automotive OEMs

The indication of RF-conformance of a vehicle is an important part of the homologation process.

The available ready-to-execute V2X test catalogs enable simple application with limited training effort.

Test labs

Test labs need calibrated and certified test equipment to ensure valid conformance testing. The S.E.A. test systems can provide this quality. The defined software interfaces enable easy integration in established workflows of the lab.

RF-Conformance V2X Test Systems Portfolio

Our V2X test system portfolio provides different products for an efficient fit to the different customer application needs. The architecture of all products is based on S.E.A. TestMaster V2X and NI hardware components. The systems can be upgraded if required to extend to functionalities of higher-level products or serve customized features.

Integrated, modular compact test system

  • Calibrated NI PXI RF-system
  • V2X communication protocol 802.11p, LTE-V,5G-NR
  • GNSS emulation

TestMaster V2X test software– RFC supports:

  • RF-measurements and test up to 6 GHz
  • Test of limited subsets of OmniAir, 3GPP and ETSI test catalogs

Automated test catalogs available

Upgradeable to RF-Conformance Full and S.E.A. Functional Test System

S.E.A. V2X RF Conformance Test System Basic in 19 inch rack

The innovative V2X test platform

The platform oriented, modular hardware and software architecture design enables:

  • Migration/upgrade to the different test system setups
  • Exchange/replacement of different system components
  • Tailored customized hardware and software extension
  • Integration with customer hardware and software environments

This approach ensures well-defined system setup, limited integration cost, and future safe investments.

Customer Support

We believe in customer value and relationship.

Get in touch for our engaged support with long term experience in automated test systems and wireless communication or customized solutions.

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